Get Rid of Roaches

For most families, their home is the place that they look to for comfort and safety. Especially when there are small children or pets involved, it’s essential that the home is also clean and sanitary. No matter how much you wash or clean, it’s all for nothing if you discover that there are pests invading your home. One of the most feared indoor pests is the cockroach, because they are known to infest quickly and can carry disease and bacteria on their bodies. If you’ve been struggling to get rid of roaches, here are some tips for creating a pest-free home.

The first step toward getting rid of roaches is making sure that you aren’t making it easy for them to get into your home. This means checking the interior and exterior of your home for entryways that the roaches might be using to enter your dwelling. Look for cracks around window, doors, and in basement of foundational walls. Areas that are dark and cool for many hours of the day are perfect places for roaches to hide and start their colony. Make sure you also check indoor hiding places like cabinets, closets and behind the furniture.

Another thing you’ll have to do if you’re determined to get rid of roaches is to look for signs that they might already be inside your home. Of course, spotting a lone cockroach out exploring in your home is a good indication that there might be others burrowed around, but cockroaches are fast and are very good at avoiding detection. During the evening, take a flashlight and look around the inside of your home for droppings (small dark balls of cockroach waste) and also “roach dust” which is the combination of discarded body parts and waste that can cause respiratory problems in many people.

If you notice the signs that cockroaches have indeed moved into your home, it’s important to devise a plan to get rid of roaches right away. There are many options to choose from when you are trying to exterminate roaches. First, you can attempt to locate where the bulk of the colony is living, and set up traps, or roach motels. You can also spread around some boric acid in powdered form in hopes that the roaches will crawl through it when coming in and out of their burrow. When they stop to lick off the powder, it will have a fatal effect.

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